Aralab is a company specialised in designing, developing, manufacturing and servicing of high quality Bio chambers. For more than 25 years Aralab have been perfecting ways to create and control temperature, humidity and many other environmental conditions that respond to the needs of customers all around the world allowing for the best possible conditions using our Bio Chambers, Plant Growth Cabinets, Plant Growth Chambers & Plant Growth Incubators.
Growing tropical plants or Arabidopsis is not the same thing. The technology differs in order to achieve a wide range of lighting levels, and the internal components vary to recreate the climatic conditions ideal for each species. It is also totally different to need a compact and small chamber or chambers for large amounts of samples and species.
In addition to the variety of sizes available, Aralab has developed two types of FitoClima chambers: chambers with standard lighting (up to 650 µmoles / m2s) and chambers with high lighting performance (up to 1500 µmoles/m2s).
Aralab FitoClima chambers provide from standard solutions to fully personalised needs of research, offering a wide range of options (temperature, humidity, lighting control, CO2, NOx, etc.) and advanced control technology.
Main application of Bio chambers are in:
Plant growth, tissue culture, arabidopsis, germination, incubation, entomology or drosophila research.
Growth chambers have the following key factors:
- Flexible, future proof climatic chambers, designed for numerous applications
- Wide environmental performance ranges, enabling greator control of climatic conditions
- Optimal internal thermodynamics to ensure uniformity of climatic conditions
- Numerous light options with multiple intensities and LEDs with fixed and variable wavelengths
- Flexible interior configuration allowing for different research
- Easy to use and maintain
- Nonpolluting construction and cooling
- Equipped with Climaplus specific designed controllers
- Technical assistance and after sale care wherever you are
- Best price-quality relationship in the global market

Arctic cold and tropical heat in the same controlled environment.
The Aralab ‘FitoClima HP’ range of climatic chambers were developed for plants requiring great amounts of light intensity as well as a broad light spectrum.
The new FITOCLIMA 2.500 HP enhances the family range by adding the “Auto Defrost” temperature option, allowing the chamber to work in very low temperatures under full lighting whilst preserving an accurate and stable controlled environment.
From freeze and cold resistance to heat stress experiments, recreating extreme conditions has now become easier.
Some key features:
• Temperature, humidity, light and air flow intensity controlled with consistent precision through the years
• Light source located at chamber ceiling with special glass canopy and independent cooling for continuous optimal performance
• More than 1,000 μmoles/m²/s at 1 meter from ceiling
• All environmental conditions programmable with the new ClimaPlus touchscreen interface and FitoLog software pack
• Stainless steel shelves and floor for maximum resistance, durability and easy cleaning
• Research protection features, with configurable high / low temperature and humidity alarms and automatic remote notifications
Climaplus Controllers
All Aralab FITOCLIMA chambers are equipped with a Climaplus controller – specially created by Aralab – for monitoring, managing and logging all operating data.
- Programmable touchscreen controller
- Real-time monitoring of all functions and control of equipment
- Capacity for creating 32 programs of 24 segments each
- Non volatile memory
- 0.1ºC temperature resolution
- 0.1% RH humidity resolution
- Management, monitoring and recording of all alarams
- Possibility of performing specific testing conditions with external commands and instruments
- Wired and wireless outputs for connecting devices (computer and other)
- Password protected of controller functions
- Research and experiment protection with configurable high and low temperature, humidity and light intensity alarms
- Configurable remote notifications of any triggered alarms
For more information simply contact us to discuss your requirements.